
Cooperative Communication Specialist

Learn about this powerful way of increasing staff safety, listening skills and productivity.


Dan offers a varitey of presentations and trainings ranging from 90 minutes to 6 hours and more.

Get in touch with Dan or bring him to your agency, organization, business or university.

Learn about Dan, his clients, what they say about him and how to bring him to your organization.

Listening plays an important part in our personal life and workday. In addition to gathering information, it is a means to connection and rapport.

Beyond just hearing what people are saying, it is more productive to listen to others so we may connect with and understand them. We spend most of our time hearing what people are saying instead of listening to what they want or need at a deeper level.

Communication comes easy to us. We learned how to do it early in our lives and do it without much thought. Most of the time it works just fine.

But there are times at work such as between a case manager and client, property manager and tenant and representative and consumer that it doesn’t go as well. Poor communication can lead to stress and anger for all parties involved.

Through Conscious Listening and Congruent Communication training, staff can learn to listen more clearly, understand more deeply and obtain better results.

Conscious Listening and Congruent Communication - This training can be delivered virtually or in person.