Cooperative Communication Specialist

Learn about this powerful way of increasing staff safety, listening skills and productivity.

Dan offers a varitey of presentations and trainings ranging from 90 minutes to 6 hours and more.

Get in touch with Dan or bring him to your agency, organization, business or university.

Learn about Dan, his clients, what they say about him and how to bring him to your organization.

You won’t find a listing of Dan's fees for presentations or trainings on his website.

His process is to have a conversation about your agency's, organization's, or business' specific objectives and desired outcomes. If your organization has a safety policy, he will review it as part of the process so what he delivers supports your agency's policies and practices. If you don’t have a policy and are interested in developing one, he will send you a policy development "starter kit" upon request.

Once Dan has all the pertinent information, he will provide you with a comprehensive yet easy to review proposal covering everything including costs.

Dan travels nationally and internationally and is known to deliver programs days, nights or weekends. His personal and professional operating motto is: I’m nothing if not flexible. (He has delivered safety trainings at 2:30AM to accommodate a third shift.)

If you're interested in hiring Dan or would like him to send a safety policy development "starter kit", please contact him by clicking on the Contact link below.

Bring Dan to Your Organization